Digital Portal

  • Content Management System
  • Shopping Center System
  • KB System
  • Community System
  • Low-code Topics System
  • Membership System
  • Data Analysis System
  • Digital Assets System

Content Management System

Multi-language, multi-platform, unified, fully dynamic website content management system.
Regional language switching

About Us
Suzhou KGU Network Technology Co., Ltd is a service provider focusing on providing digital transformation solutions for the entire business scenario of the marketing end, deeply engaging in the management of customer service cycles.The company is committed to providing global solutions for digital portals, digital transformation + offshore human resources, and digital operations for customers.

Our service customers cover the world's top 500 enterprises such as China Huaneng, China Communications Construction, AUX, Hengtong, Jinlang, and Aero Energy. They choose KGU to help them quickly open the global market, improve the efficiency of global marketing, build digital customer service scenarios, and achieve global brand layout.
О нас
Suzhou KGU Network Technology Co., Ltd. - это компания, специализирующаяся в предоставлении решений по цифровой трансформации всей бизнес-сцены маркетинга и глубоко погрузившись в управление циклом обслуживания клиентов.Компания стремится предоставлять клиентам глобальные решения в области цифровых порталов, цифровой трансформации и оффшорных кадровых ресурсах, цифрового управления.

Сервисные клиенты охватывают мировые топ-500 предприятия, в том числе China Huaneng, China Communications Construction, AUX, Hengtong, Jinlang, и Aero Energy. Они выбирают KGU для быстрого выхода на глобальный рынок, повышения эффективности глобального маркетинга, создания цифровых сценариев обслуживания клиентов и реализации глобального брендового позиционирования.
Über uns
Suzhou KGU Network Technology Co., Ltd. ist ein Dienstleister, der sich auf die Bereitstellung von Lösungen für die digitale Transformation im gesamten Geschäftsumfeld des Marketing konzentriert und sich vertieft in die Verwaltung des Kundenservicezyklus.Das Unternehmen ist bestrebt, seinen Kunden globale Lösungen für digitale Portale, digitale Transformation plus Offshore-Personalressourcen sowie digitale Operationen anzubieten.

Unsere Kunden umfassen Weltunternehmen wie China Huaneng, China Communications Construction, AUX, Hengtong, Jinlang und Aero Energy. Sie wählen KGU als Unterstützer, damit sie schnell den globalen Markt erschließen, die Effizienz des globalen Marketing erhöhen, digitale Kundendienst-Szenarien aufbauen und eine globale Markenpräsenz erreichen können.
شركة سوزو كونغجو لشبكات التكنولوجيا المحدودة هي شركة متخصصة في تقديم حلول التحول الرقمي للمشهد التجاري الكامل الموجه نحو الطرف التسويقية، وتعمل على إدارة دورة خدمة العملاء بشكل متعمق. وتعمل الشركة على تقديم حلول عالمية للعملاء تشمل البوابة الرقمية والتحول الرقمي + الموارد البشرية خارجية الضمنية والعمليات الرقمية.

وتغطي عملاء الخدمة مجموعة من الشركات المتميزة عالمياً مثل الصين هوانغ نينغ والشركة الصينية للإنشاءات النقلية وأوكس وهينغتونغ وجينلانغ وإيرو إنيرجي، وتختار كونغجو كمساعدة للعملاء في فتح السوق العالمية بسرعة وزيادة كفاءة التسويق العالمية، وتأسيس محيط خدمة العملاء الرقمي، وتحقيق التخطيط العالمي للعلامة التجارية.
À notre sujet
Suzhou KGU Network Technology Co., Ltd. est un fournisseur spécialisé dans la fourniture de solutions de transformation numérique pour toutes les scénarios de services marketing, qui approfondit la gestion du cycle de service à la clientèle. La société s'efforce à fournir à ses clients des solutions mondiales pour le porte numérique, la transformation numérique + les ressources humaines offshore, et l'exploitation numérique.

Ses clients incluent les entreprises parmi les 500 plus grandes du monde telles que China Huaneng, China Communications Construction, AUX, Hengtong, Jinlang, et Energy Air, qui ont choisi KGU pour leur permettre d'ouvrir rapidement les marchés mondiaux, améliorer l'efficacité du marketing mondial, construire des scènes de service client numérique, et réaliser la stratégie mondiale de développement de leur marque.
Acerca de nosotros
Suzhou KGU Network Technology Co., Ltd. es un proveedor especializado en ofrecer soluciones de transformación digital para todos los escenarios comerciales orientados al mercadeo, que profundiza en la gestión del ciclo de servicio al cliente. La compañía se esfuerza por ofrecer a sus clientes soluciones globales de portal digital, transformación digital + recursos humanos offshore y operaciones digitales.

Los clientes incluyen empresas del Fortune Global 500 como China Huaneng, China Communications Construction, AUX, Hengtong, Jinlang y Energy Air, que han elegido KGU para ayudarles a abrir rápidamente el mercado global, mejorar la eficiencia del mercadeo global, crear escenarios de servicio al cliente digital y lograr una distribución global de marca.

O nas
Suzhou KGU Network Technology Co., Ltd. jest dostawcą usług, specjalizującym się w dostarczaniu rozwiązań transformacji cyfrowej dla wszystkich scenariuszy biznesowych związanych z marketing, a także w głębokim zarządzaniu cyklu obsługi klienta. Firma koncentruje się na dostarczaniu klientom globalnych rozwiązań takich jak cyfrowy portal, cyfrowa transformacja wraz z wysparskimi zasobami ludzkimi oraz cyfrowa operacja.

Klientami firmy są takie światowe firmy jak China Huaneng, China Communications Construction, AUX, Hengtong, Jinlang i Energy Air, które wybierają Suzhou KGU, aby szybko otworzyć rynki globalne, zwiększyć wydajność marketingu na świecie, zbudować cyfrowe środowisko obsługi klienta i realizować globalną strategię rozwoju marki.

Shopping Center System

Global payment, global logistics, payment security, and point malls.

KB System

Powerful editing capabilities to provide diverse, concise and efficient instructions and offer instant problem solutions for globalized layouts.

Community System

Build a community system in a digital portal solution to increase customer stickiness and enhance influence.

Low-code Topics System

Visual development tools and components that enable easier and faster creation of a subject.

Membership System

Construct a unified customer system for digital portal business scenarios such as official website, mall, community, KB, etc. and establish closer and personalized customer relationships to improve customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Data Analysis System

A CDP data platform owned by yourself, integrating and consolidating data from multiple sources, that can continuously collect, consolidate and analyze customer access data to optimize marketing and business decisions.

Digital Assets System

Construct unified digital asset management for images, videos, documents, etc.

Digital Operations

KGU digital operation facilitates the collaboration between technical operation and maintenance and marketing operation. The stability and efficiency of technical operation and maintenance provide a strong foundation for marketing, and marketing operation conducts market activities in a more intelligent and precise way through the application of data and technology.
  • Marketing Ops
  • Technical DevOps
KGU digital centor is of great help to integrate organization, process and technology and improve marketing effectiveness and efficiency, which can support and enhance marketing activities.

Help Google Ads enhanced conversion intelligence.

Expand the coverage with high efficiency through publishing WeChat, Weibo, Facebook, and Twitter with one click.

Provide advertising optimization guidance advice to improve the effectiveness of advertising with professional Google Ads team.

Help websites gain better visibility in search engines and attract more targeted traffic with comprehensive SEO strategies.

Improve the efficiency of content operation (under development) through AI operation assistant based on LLM.

Provide flexible server configurations based on customer scenarios to ensure project scalability, continuously maintain high availability, high concurrency, disaster recovery and backup capabilities, and ensure smooth global access.

Prevent server operation and maintenance risk in advance.

Real-time monitoring on large visualization screen.

Real-time of server metrics.

Real-time monitoring of application operation data.

Real-time fault alarm, fast solution, zero customer perception.

Guarantee 99.99% application online rate.


Brand Planning
Digital Operations
Global Speed
Efficient Implementation


Brand Planning
Digital Operations
Global Speed
Efficient Implementation

Our Customers

From listed companies, Fortune 500, China's Top 500 to government-owned enterprises

We assist different types and sizes of customers to become digital leaders.

Cooperative Partners

2020 Close partnership with Azure,KGU and Azure in deep cooperation to create future-proof secure cloud solutiond for custmers in on-premises,hybrid,multicloud or edge environments.
2021 Establish an intimate partnership with Firebase, which works with Firebase to solve complex challenges and optimize the experience of your applications.
In 2021, a close partner was established with Couchbase, and KGU built Modern Distributed NoSQL based on Couchbase.
In 2022,KGU it became a strategic partner of AWS China Region and has provided digital transformation solutions for many overseas enterprises.
In 2019, it became a gold elite service provider of Huawei Cloud, providing customers with continuous and stable data protection.
In 2022, KGU established a close partnership with Tianyi Cloud, which has forged a solid cloud security defense line for many state-owned enterprises and government.
Becoming an Alibaba Cloud Diamond Partner in 2013, KGU helps customers build and deliver end-to-end business solutions to drive traditional enterprise cloud transformation.
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Provide customers with efficient and high-quality products and services.
Fortune 500 companies
Clients of listed companies
Number of customers served
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Company address

Room 301, Building 8, Creative Industry Park, 328 Xinghu Street, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province